Wednesday, May 9, 2012

MEN: What do you think of metrosexual males?

I'm writing a research paper on the impact %26amp; effects of metrosexuality in American Metropolitan culture. One of the ideas is to look at how the metrosexual male impacts men %26amp; men view them.

Some of the questions to consider in your answers:

%26gt; Are you (or would you be) friends with metrosexuals?

%26gt; Would you consider yourself a metrosexual? Why?

%26gt; Is there anything that bothers you about metrosexuals?

%26gt; Do you think being metrosexual makes a man less masculine?

%26gt; What traits of metrosexuals do you admire? dislike?

%26gt; What are your general views on metrosexuality?

Some traits of metrosexuals:

- Heterosexual (has no problems with gay friends)

- Indulges in feminine-style vanity (ie: Salons instead of barbers, Spas, checking mirrors)

- Do/Pay anything for the current %26amp; best quality (ie: higher than average cost hair care, clothing, accessories)

- Disregards many traditional gender boundaries

Famous Metrosexuals:

+ David Beckham

+ Dominic Monaghan

+ Mike Greenberg

+ Ryan Seacrest

MEN: What do you think of metrosexual males?

Personally, I think metrosexuals are closeted either bisexuals or homosexuals.

There's nothing wrong with either lifestyle, I just think they're still in the closet.

MEN: What do you think of metrosexual males?

seacrest isnt a metro hes jus a ****

MEN: What do you think of metrosexual males?

Some guys just like to take care of themselves a lot more. Women are into the whole metrosexual thing, because they relate more to women than they do men.

MEN: What do you think of metrosexual males?

everyman is slightly metrosexual, seriously if you shave and take a hair cut and care what you would look like to other people you have some metrosexuality in you. The difference is that some men take it WAY TOO FAR, like they start putting make up on, getting their hair dyed.

MEN: What do you think of metrosexual males?

haha, i just graduated high school and now that i look back we were all pretty metro.

there isn't anything less manly about taking care of yourself.... i mean bodybuilders who seem macho do the same thing.

we expect a lot from ourselves and those around us. that's pretty much it.

Metro guys are fine unless their what a metro calls a metro..... than it's scary, haha.

MEN: What do you think of metrosexual males?

Probably closet queers or borderline fruits. Nothing wrong with being a refined man like George Clooney or Matt Damon, but metros go way over the edge of Pansy Cliff.

MEN: What do you think of metrosexual males?

%26gt; Are you (or would you be) friends with metrosexuals? YES

%26gt; Would you consider yourself a metrosexual? Why? NO, I'm confused about my sexuality but I know I'm not straight or highly feminin

%26gt; Is there anything that bothers you about metrosexuals?


%26gt; Do you think being metrosexual makes a man less

masculine? YES, but that's not a bad thing

%26gt; What traits of metrosexuals do you admire? dislike?

How they don't really care how society pressures them to be macho/manly. They show that not every man whos femmi is gay

%26gt; What are your general views on metrosexuality?

Whatever, people should be who they want to be

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