I just came back from a trip to Wal Mart where a group of men made "barking" noises at me while I was walking to the door, I'm assuming to make the point that to them I am ugly as a dog. This is the third time this year this has happened to me in different places (once was some people making whistling noises, the "come here, dog" kind). I get rude comments/looks made about my appearence here and there, too.
I am short and heavyset, but not morbidly obese, and I can say with 100% honesty that I put a lot of effort into looking clean, neat, and current with my clothing, accessories, and hair. I also try to appear confident and "normal", so just don't get why this is happening to me so often--hell, there could be people that are 500+ lbs or dressed in raggedy, dirty clothes, but for some reason I always seem to get the rude remarks.
If a person doesn't think that someone is attractive in their book, why can't they just keep their mouths shut and say NOTHING?? Help me figure this out!!
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
You are attracting this kind of behavior to yourself. I know it is done unconsciously on your part, nevertheless we attract to ourselves our fears and negative thoughts.
It is what you are expecting and for that reason it is what you are realizing.
Try to stop the negative thinking, stop the fear of being attacked, and you will not be.
You are normal and you are confident, believe it, not "appear" confident and "normal". That is where you are going wrong.
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
I agree. People really need to learn to mind their own business and be respectful. Stick up for yourself. Don't allow fools to do that. They are pretty arrogant really. Who in the hell gave them the right. Give them the bird!!! :)
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
I'm no beauty queen myself, but nobody ever barks at me. Where do you live? These people are idiots; don't worry about what they do. I'd say don't worry about what they think, but clearly they're not capable of thought.
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
I didn't read past "trip to Wal Mart."
Don't ever walk inside that dumpster and expect any sort of class.
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
You will never be able to figure out stupid, inconsiderate people. Just walk on by, with your head held high, and ignore them. It has been that way, since time began, and only getting worse, because the parents are not teaching their children, right from wrong.
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
I'm sorry this has happened, and I'm not really sure why these guys acted so rudely :(
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
I don't know if you're really unattractive, but I'll assume that you are. Bottom line: most people are animals. Honestly, left to their own devices, they'd be crapping in the streets. Take heart in knowing that, on the inside, these people are as ugly and rotten as a wasp-infested apple.
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
Truly ugly people are unable to control their outbursts, or their bad habits, like making public displays of how "inferior" they consider others to be. Why they do it is to have "fun" at the expense of others, like bigots who use racial slurs in public displays of contempt among their friends. This world is full of such truly ugly people with whom we unfortunately must peacefully coexist, but take heart in the fact that many of them eventually find themselves in loveless marriages or prisons of other kinds.
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
No, it's not acceptable, which is why only sad, sad losers would do that kind of thing. They don't keep their mouths shut because their self-image is so low they have to put down other people in order to feel superior, and if it makes their equally loser friends laugh, that's a plus in their eyes. Idiots. Slaves to a group mentality. Total losers.
Take some solace in the knowledge that any person observing such behavior -- any person, that is, whose opinion you would actually CARE about -- is as disgusted by their actions as you are.
If it happens again, if it really gets to you, and if you're at all a religious person, say a prayer for them and then put it out of your mind. Believe me, they need prayers! ;-)
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
To answer the question, no it is not acceptable. Beauty and ugliness are simply social conditioning. Remember in Russia (and elsewhere) several hundred years ago it was considered beautiful to have blackened, rotting teeth. Now it is thinness and enormous lips. Just as grotesque. Or beautiful. Its the same thing really.
As for the fools who bark at you, they are really commenting on their own stupidity. Nothing you say or do will make a difference to them, they are beyond help. Pity them.
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
honestly, screw what other people think. Your opinion of yourself it all that matters, and with the effort you are putting into it, it shouldn't matter what the hell anyone else says! I live in a redneck state, and I bet you do too, lol. These people are crass, rude, and undesirable, and their opinion shouldn't matter about anything, let alone how they feel about how you look. If you keep your head up high and keep walking, it will show them that you are better than them. Or, if you just feel like you have to say something, then be prepared for them to rebuttle with hurtful things. Good luck, keep your head up and and remember that your opinion is the only one that matters!
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
If that were me, I'd laugh at them or bark back. Idiots need to be shown how stupid they look.
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
you know what is really attractive? SELF CONFIDENCE and knowing that you are a worthwhile person. Project this where ever you go and if some low life persists in showing their backwoods behavior, ignore them and walk with your head held high. You go girl!!!
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
If I were you, I would start confronting these ASSHOLES!
I would walk straight up to them and say something like "Have you lost your dog? Because I heard you barking, and thought maybe you aren't smart enough to call his NAME!"
Or something similar..
Edit to BLUE, above?
You are full of SH!T---nobody deserves or attracts that crap.
You should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting it. You obviously never had it happen---but I really hope it DOES!
God, what a ***** you are!
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
I have no idea why or how people can be so ignorant. I know it's easier said than done, but these people are not worth another thought. Obviously they are insecure in their own skin so they feel the need to project their insecurities onto other people to make themselves feel better. Keep in mind that people who do things like this are not happy with themselves. Just shake your head and think to yourself, "That's too bad and what a shame...."
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
People, usually men, act this way to make up for something they are lacking.
Looks is NOTHING in the long wrong. It is really not that important, and never let anyone make you feel less about yourself for something so silly.
they are obviously sad people with sad lives. I feel sorry for THEM.
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
Sounds like these chaps are 'barking mad'.
Often this stupid behaviour is exhibited by people who are 'hanging' around in groups. I doubt that this would happen if it was an individual on their own. Mob mentality gives them some sort of expanded balls. They really have none.
Ignore the pigs, they haven't learned what manners are.
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
Sometimes they'll bark because you're hot. A dog barks when he's excited as well.
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
I don't know, but at least perverts aren't staring at you like they'll jump ya any sec now, and you are VERY pretty for sure. Whatever state is doing that to you, i dont know cuz I am from NYC, and they don't do that here
Is barking at "ugly" women somehow acceptable now???
Maybe they think you're a *****.
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