Friday, April 27, 2012

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

I am very creative and make all sorts of things from clothing, hair accessories, jewelry, to decorating baskets for weddings and such. Do you think there's a wide enough market for such stuff? Do you think it will pay off?

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

It sounds to me like you're the type who prefers to concentrate on the creative side of your venture, and may not wish to go through the somewhat tedious "learning curve" that E-Bay entails. So, here's another option you may wish to consider:

E-Bay has a wide variety of services available to people wishing to sell products, etc. on their site.

As well as being able to set up your own Sellers Account and auction off your goods, there are also E-Bay storefronts whose shopkeepers will take care of all the work associated with selling your products for you, leaving you free to produce your crafts.

Because of the wide variety of goods you produce, that may be the way for you to go. You could list each of the various goods you produce in a storefront whose product line is in keeping with your goods.

Look over the vendors and store fronts that accept other peoples goods on consignment, and find one appropriate for clothing, one for hair accessories, jewelry, decorative baskets for weddings, etc.

Approach these vendors with samples of your goods, and inquire what kind of percentage of the profit, or handling fee they would charge you to take care of all the mundane "paperwork" involved with selling your products.

You will probably need to provide them with projected product availability, i.e., how many wedding baskets you can produce per month should they receive a large order etc.

While this would cost you a percentage of your profits - their cut for doing the shopkeeping work for you - it still might prove valuable to you, especially in the long run.

About the last thing you want is to find yourself in the position wherein you can no longer produce your crafts because you are inundated with the paperwork resulting from last months' sales.

Should such a situation arise, I believe you might agree that the storekeepers earn the percentage of your profits that they would keep in order to free you from such minutiae.

Good luck with your venture.

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

find out

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

it could if you advertise enough... my bf sold a car part on ebay for $1,600 so it can work!

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

get a life, loser

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

umm... if you can market it to a wide enough variety of people... like if it's really lacy barouqe kinda stuff market it to weddings, rennaisance festival people, goths and maybe like civil war re-enactors. also, get yourself a website so people can find your acutions that way too!

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

all you can do is try one item out if you succeed try on so forth........

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?


Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

I have sold items on ebay. It's all in how you word it, sweetie. People do pay more for brnad names, so you have to really sell your product. And good pictures are a must, too! Good Luck!

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

well, you may, but people like to haggle on e-bay, and they are always looking for the cheapest price. you may make some profit, and it is probably a better idea to sell on e-bay than at a garage sale or something like that. if you are not satisfied with prices on e-bay, try a local thrift shop.

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

You can always find someone ready to buy such stuff online.

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

I really think it could...s ee i am a shoe fanatic! i have shoes i NEVER wear and could sell

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

it is free to join so what do you have to lose

enter through here to go to ebay

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

On Ebay, absolutely there's a market for those items. I can't say whether it's the best place to sell clothing, but for the other items, you could definitely do well.

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

Can be, but patience is the key to success. You've got to offer things that people are interested to buy!

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

I think you have a good chance. Look on ebay and see if someone else is already selling what you want to sell. See how much it's going for, and see if you can do it for cheaper and still make money. I have bought golf clubs at garage sales for $10 and sold them for almost $200, so you better believe it can be done.

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

I have sold and bought things on ebay, but never anything that someone has made. It's mostly just name brand stuff or CDs and such. Most people just go on there to find it cheaper than in the stores. So if you're trying to make stuff and sell it on there, I suggest just making one thing at a time. See if it sells and if you're a hit, keep those creations coming. =)

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

Yes. There's no better place to sell those sorts of items. You can sell almost anything and everything on eBay with great results. There's virtually no risk either. I'd highly recommend trying it out and selling some things. You will be very pleased with the results.

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

its cheap to try, and it takes meer seconds to set up a paypal account

it take 3 business days to transfer funds from your bank to a paypal account, after that go for it

theres a huge market for your stuff,

create an ebay account and look up jewelry, and then you can tell it to show you only sold items, and it will show what they went for, and you could see where your jewelry would fit in and what it would go for.

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

Yes (as someone said), "find out".

Auction things to start. If it looks like it's going well, open an e-Bay store. (Read info on e-Bay and PayPal for merchandising ideas.)

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

yes, i think so, you need to just get seen , do pay the extra on ebay for advertising, (gallery listings and stuff) i buy diy jewlery alot because i love unique items, and there is a large market on ebay for diy clothes, and jewlery ,etc. i say go for it you dont know unless you try.


Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

Get your wares on Ebay. I do know the higher your volume on Ebay the more you sell. It is a great way to supplement your income. I have been doing it for a few months. Out of only 33 items that I listed in that time, I sold 28 of them for a total of $420.00. I can't imagine the money I would be making if I would list much more. Just think if you were to sell 20 $5.00 items everyday that would be almost $37,000.00 a year.

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

The trick in sales is to offer something that people either WANT or NEED. Ask yourself: Would I, as a consumer, either really WANT or actually NEED this product.

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

i guess so my friend got a ipod off it

Does selling on Ebay really pay off?

Decorating baskets for weddings may work, I don't know about the other stuff.

Sometimes you sell, sometimes you don't. And you always have to pay eBay fees, so count your losses and if makes up a profit, Go for it!

Search for the kind of stuff you want to list, compare your product to the others listed (quality, price,etc.). Think about it.

Always put pictures and if you have a web site use the URL so you save on picture fees.

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