Monday, April 23, 2012

Guys - do you like hair extensions on a girl?

Hair extensions are all the rage these days, especially on girls. I was wondering though whether guys find them attractive or an unnecessary accessory? Would you prefer a girl's hair if it were homegrown?

Guys - do you like hair extensions on a girl?

if done properly they look great BUT are still fake....

behind closed doors and sometimes it the open people do tend to frown upon fakeness be it whatever....

grow some real hair, and look even better :D

Guys - do you like hair extensions on a girl?

hair extensions are a bit much. i dont want to find myself with a handful of hair though...if i were to run my hands through her hair. the girl has to be comftorable, if she cant do things like ride a rollercoaster or something like that because of her hair...well...turn off. short hair is fine.

ive never met a person who prefered hair extensions rather than regular hair

my opinion? leave the extensions for the dumb blondes and ugly people. youre far too cute already!

Guys - do you like hair extensions on a girl?

I, personally, prefer that a person not be madeup at all. It is shallow and fake. No makeup, no cup inserts, no extensions. Except a person for who they actually are physically and otherwise or any relationship is just that much more shallow.

Guys - do you like hair extensions on a girl?

you know what i never even notice the hair maybe colour and shape but thats it

Guys - do you like hair extensions on a girl?

Depends on the girl, sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Guys - do you like hair extensions on a girl?

I'd rather hair be left alone on a girl, all them products and stuff for it makes it look artificial.

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