Saturday, May 5, 2012

What do you do to feel "put together" when you go out?

like your hair, makeup, accessories, perfume? how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

What do you do to feel "put together" when you go out?

i have to exercise for at least 30 minutes it wakes me up and helps me feel energized then shower and dress got to wear my rings or i feel naked lol

What do you do to feel "put together" when you go out?

it doesn't take me long. When in doubt wear mascara

What do you do to feel "put together" when you go out?

average day I wear make-up and a cute outfit. To shower and style my hair and put on make-up 1 hour.

If I am going out and want to look put together I would pick my accessories, make sure my nails are done. Sometimes I will put extensions in my hair. It takes 1.5 hours to look and feel exceptionally cute!

What do you do to feel "put together" when you go out?

Make sure my hair and make up is done right ( take my time and do it nice ) nails are done ....Shoes that are just PERFECT .....and I smell nice .....then I put on my jewelry and I feel "pretty"

What do you do to feel "put together" when you go out?

I run a comb through my hair a couple of times, brush my teeth, and put some deodorant on (not necessarily in that order). Counting my shower, it takes about 10 minutes to get ready.

What do you do to feel "put together" when you go out?

I agree with the others. Also, if it takes longer than 20 minutes to do your hair, you need a different style, or learn a different way to do it. You CAN have really cute hair in a short time if it is cut right and you have the right products and knowledge. If not, make an appointment at the salon and ask for help. That way you will have the time to do the rest. Makeup can be done in 5-10 minutes. Again, if it takes you longer, you aren't doing it right--well at least not expediently. Call a Mary Kay rep and ask for a facial and she will teach you how and show you what products you can use to make it easier and faster! Plus, if you have a party with your friends, you can get free make-up!!

What do you do to feel "put together" when you go out?

I take the better part of an hour every day. That is showering, drying my hair and getting completely dressed including make-up before leaving the house.

What do you do to feel "put together" when you go out?

From the beginning?

1] to bathroom - use facilities, wash hands and face, deodorant [ bathe at night ]

2] brush teeth

3] apply makeup - blush, brows [ have none ], liner [ no lashes either ].

4] hair - comb, style

5] dress - top, bottom, jacket or sweater, nice shoes, belt

6] jewelry - earrings, watch, wedding ring [ sleep in cross and medic alert bracelet ]

7] breakfast

8] lipstick/powder

Total: 30 minutes or less

What do you do to feel "put together" when you go out?

it takes me 10 mins from shower to ready to roll(im already put together)Plus i dont get up in the morning more round 11-12

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