Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How do I get ahold of celebrity publicists info like addresses/email addresses, etc?

I own a baby hair accessory company which has just started to really take off. We have been published on various celeb baby blogs %26amp; in May, we're being featured in Pregnancy %26amp; Newborn magazine in an article concerning celeb baby style, specifically-Violet Affleck ( Jennifer Garner's daughter). My hair clippies have been sent to Violet Affleck in the past as gifts, and one pic of her wearing my hair clippies was published by the press. I have also recently been contacted about doing some celeb baby baskets. So my question is, how do I get my products to other celeb babies? How do I find celeb addresses/their publicists addresses? I would VERY much prefer to send my hair clippies to certain celebs on a regular basis, like 1/month rather than having it be like a 1x/year thing for press/gift basket situations. Any help out there??

How do I get ahold of celebrity publicists info like addresses/email addresses, etc?

I suggest you get an agent or talk to an advertising firm about your vision.


How do I get ahold of celebrity publicists info like addresses/email addresses, etc?

You can try looking on IMDB, I know they give you access to contact celebrity's agents, managers,etc. But you have to pay a subscription fee for access to that information.

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